Wright awarded pre-doctoral trainee position at Hospital for Special Surgery

By: Ashley Bohn

Quinton Wright, a materials science and engineering Ph.D. student, will perform research at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) as a pre-doctoral trainee within the Ruth L. Kirschtein National Research Service Award Institutional Research Training Program (T32). Wright will study diabetic and non-diabetic patients undergoing cementless total knee arthroplasty (TKA), to understand what factors can best predict post-operative complications in TKA procedures. 

The collaboration between HSS and Cornell Engineering links basic research and clinical orthopedics to clinically relevant research problems with an emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches. Utilizing the clinical tools available at HSS, Wright plans to study bone microarchitecture and cartilage degradation at the tibial plateau. On campus, Wright will continue working with associate professor Eve Donnelly, to measure tissue-level material properties through the Donnelly Lab and Cornell Biotechnology Resource Center. 

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