M.S. Milestone Requirements & Timeline

To remain in academic good standing, Cornell University MSE Master of Science (M.S.) students must satisfy the below academic milestones in accordance with the official M.S. timeline. It is recommended that students check Graduate School deadlines prior to setting plans for completion of milestones.

For a detailed recommended planning timeline for completion milestones (B/M Exams), see here.

Nominate Chairpersonbefore end of 1st semester
  1. Follow matching process outlined at orientation.
  2. Once notified by GFA of official match, add Chair in Student Center.
Nominated Minor Committee Memberbefore end of 2nd semester
  1. Meet with potential minor members.
  2. Once selected, add to Student Center.

Your minor member must represent a minor concentration. This minor concentration will show up on your transcript.

Student Progress Review (SPR)every spring semesterFollow prompts received from the department each spring semester.
Public Thesis Defense (M Exam)by the 8th semester
  1. Coordinate date, time, location with your full committee.
  2. Submit the Pre-M Exam Audit Form and await email approval from GFA to schedule your exam.
  3. No less than two weeks prior to exam:
Submit Thesis on ProQuestno more than 60 days after passing M ExamA degree is not conferred until the above requirements are met AND a student's thesis is submitted and approved on ProQuest. Students should submit the thesis at the approval of the full committee and no more than 60 days after passing the M Exam.

If any of the above requirements cannot be met according to the required timeline, students must Submit a Petition to the Graduate School. Communicate all petition requests with your committee, DGS, and GFA prior to submission.