Dissertation Defense (B Exam)

The final dissertation examination, or B Exam, is in the form of a public defense with open questioning followed by a closed session with private questioning by members of the Special Committee. At the time of the B exam, the written dissertation must be complete in all respects and editorially acceptable for final approval, though it may be modified as a result of the exam. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements of the Field of Materials Science and Engineering, as well as those of the Graduate School, have been successfully completed in order to be awarded a Ph.D.

Required before the start of the 14th semester.

Scheduling Process:

  • Coordinate date, time, location with full committee.
  • No less than two weeks prior to exam:
  • If conducting exam over Zoom, GFA will schedule Zoom meeting and email the details to the student, committee, faculty and student listservs.