2013 Advanced Materials Enabled Innovation Competition Award Winners

1st and 2nd place winners

Team Dynamic Boundaries with members Kirk Samaroo (BME PhD '14) and Mingchee Tan (MAE PhD '14) received the first place award and Team Prestige Systems with members Yu Kambe (MSE BS'13), Walter Donica (MSE BS '13), Derek Saddles (MSE BS '13), Dylan Faath (MSE BS '13) and Neil Watters (MAE BS '13) received the second place award.

Seven proposals were received in January. A panel of faculty and Cornell staff involved in entrepreneurship and commercialization reviewed the proposals. Five finalist teams competed on Thursday, May 2, 2013.  Eight undergraduate students and nine graduate students participated with representation from the College of Engineering, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Johnson Graduate School of Management. Each team was linked with a mentor who had relevant experience with commercialization, manufacturing, and industry practice; teams had access to advisors in addition to their mentor. The teams were given a budget of $1,000 to use for testing and prototyping their technology. Teams provided deliverables to their mentors and to the MS&E department in preparation for the final presentation. The results of the competition were announced on May 18 at the MS&E Senior Dinner and Innovation Competition Awards ceremony.


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