Awards and Honors by Faculty

Shefford P. Baker
Associate Professor
- Sonny Yau '72 Excellence in Teaching Award(Cornell University College of Engineering)2002
- Outstanding Educator, Mentor to Merrill Presidential Scholar Deborah Schorr(Cornell University)2000
- NSF CAREER Award 1999
- Robert '55 and Vanne '57 Cowie Excellence in Teaching Award(Cornell University College of Engineering)1999

Nicole A. Benedek
Assistant Professor
- Journal of Materials Chemistry Emerging Investigator 2016
- NSF CAREER Award 2015
- Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award 2014
- Australian Postgraduate Award 2003

Eve Lorraine Donnelly
Associate Professor
- NSF CAREER Award 2015
- Harold M. Frost Young Investigator Award, Sun Valley Workshop on Musculoskeletal Biology, 2013
- Junior Faculty Osteoporosis Research Award 2012
- Dale R. Corson Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow (Cornell University) 2012
- John Haddad Young Investigator Award (ASBMR - Advances in Mineral Metabolism) 2011
- ICCBMT Young Investigator Award(10th International Conference on the Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues)2010
- Young Investigator Award (ASBMR) 2010
- New Investigator Recognition Award ORS 2009

Julia Dshemuchadse
Assistant Professor
- Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow Award (University of Michigan), 2016
- Max-von-Laue-Preis awarded to a Young Scientist (German Crystallographic Society (DGK)), 2015
- SNSF Early Postdoc. Mobility fellowship (Swiss National Science Foundation), 2014

Lara A. Estroff
- College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching 2016
- Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Affiliate2013
- Keynote Speaker(Gordon Research Seminar on Biomineralization)2012
- Marilyn Emmons Williams Award(Cornell Undergraduate Research Board)2009
- Fiona Li ‘78 & Donald Li ‘75 Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Engineering, Cornell University 2007
- James D. Watson Investigator Award, NYSTAR

Emmanuel P. Giannelis
Walter R. Read Professor of Engineering
- ACS Fellow
- PMSE Fellow
- B.F. Dodge Distinguished Lecture(Yale University)2009
- Dow-Karabatsos & Distinguished Alumni Lectureship(MSU)2005
- Associates Award in Applied Polymer Chemistry(PEL)1999
- Dean's Prize for Excellence in Teaching(Cornell University)1994
- Top 25 in Nanotechnology Citations(ISI)

James Hwang
Research Professor
- Distinguished Lecturer (2020-2021), IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
- Mentorship Appreciation Award (2019), Lehigh University
- Mary Shepard B. Upson Visiting Professor in Engineering (2018-2019), Cornell University
- Distinguished Alumni Award (2018), Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University
- Brandt Visiting Professor (2016), Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy
- Fellow (1994) and Life Fellow (2015), IEEE
- Outstanding Contribution Award (2011), Wireless and Optical Communications Conference
- Faculty Award (2007), IBM
- Outstanding Achievement Award (2007), Chinese Institute of Engineers
- Nanyang Professor (1999-2003), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Debdeep Jena
David E. Burr Professor of Engineering
- APS Fellow
- IEEE Senior Member
- 2020 Intel Outstanding Researcher Awards
- Richard E. Lunquist Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow (Cornell University) 2015
- Most Valuable Contribution(Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Materials and Devices)2014
- Advisor of PhD student Faiza Faria(Winner of poster award for ICNS 2013)2013
- IBM Faculty award2012
- Young Scientist Award(International Symposium of Compound Semiconductors)2012
- Joyce award for excellence in undergraduate teaching 2010

Hari Nair
Assistant Research Professor
- Device Research Conference (DRC) Student Paper Award (2013)
- The Ben Streetman prize for “Outstanding Research in Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices” from the University of Texas at Austin (2013)
- Electronics Materials Conference (EMC) Student Paper Award (2012)

Christopher K. Ober
Francis Norwood Bard Professor of Metallurgical Engineering
- NAE Member
- APS Fellow
- ACS Fellow
- AAAS Fellow
- SPIE Senoir Member
- NFS Creativity Award
- Gutenberg Research Prize (U of Mainz)
- PMSE Fellow
- The Photopolymer Science and Technology Outstanding Achievement Award (The Society of Photopolymer Science and Technology - SPST) 2015
- Distinguished Polymer Lecturer (Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS) 2015
- Student selected polymer speaker (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN) 2015
- Japan Photopolymer Science and Technology Outstanding Achievement Award 2015
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellow, TokyoTech 2014
- Humboldt Research Prize 2011, 2007
- Faculty of Science Alumni of Honour Award, University of Waterloo 2007
- Award in Applied Polymer Science (ACS) 2006

Richard Douglas Robinson
Associate Professor
- Fulbright Scholar (2015)
- Cornell Engineering Research Excellence Award 2015
- Non-tenured Faculty Award (3M) 2012
- R&D 100 Award, Nanocrystal Solar Cells 2009
- Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Darrell Schlom
Herbert Fisk Johnson Professor of Industrial Chemistry
- American Physical Society Fellow
- NAE Member
- MRS Fellow
- American Vacuum Society Fellow
- James C. McGroody Prize for New Materials (APS) (2021)
- International Organization for Crystal Growth Frank Prize (2019)
- American Vacuum Society Fellow (2019)
- Humboldt Research Prize (2018)
- Inducted into National Academy of Engineering (2017)
- College of Engineering Research Award (2016)
- MRS Medal (2008)
- Faculty Scholar Medal in Engineering, Penn State

Andrej Singer
Assistant Professor and Croll Sesquicentennial Fellow
- VFFD award at DESY, Hamburg 2013
- Scholarship from Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes 2007

Jin Suntivich
Associate Professor
- Emerging Investigator in Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2020)
- Young Innovator Award in Nano Energy, Nano Research, Tsinghua University (2019)
- Chemical Communications Emerging Investigator (Royal Society of Chemistry) 2017
- Journal of Materials Chemistry A Emerging Investigator (Royal Society of Chemistry) 2016
- Doctoral New Investigator, Petroleum Research Fund (American Chemical Society) 2014
- Early Career Research Program (DOE)
- Sloan Research Fellowship

Michael Thompson
Associate Professor
- N. American Award for Technical Contributions to Semiconductor Industry (2009)
- Excellence in Teaching Award (Cornell University) 2001
- Excellence in Teaching Award (Cornell University) 1998
- Excellence in Teaching Award (Cornell University) 1995
- IBM Faculty Development Award (IBM)

R.B. van Dover
Walter S. Carpenter, Jr. Professor of Engineering
- APS Fellow
- IEEE Senior Member
- Eta Kappa Nu Member 2015
- "Highly Cited--Physics". Ranked 29th in the world for the period 1981 - 1997. (Thomson ISI)

Chekesha M. Watson
Associate Professor
- Emerging Scholars Class of 2011, Diverse Issues in Higher Education magazine 2011
- Provost's Award for Distinguished Research, Office of the Provost, Cornell University 2010
- Dow Distinguished Lecturer (University of California at Santa Barbara UCSB) 2009
- Certificate of Appreciation for Mentoring (Alfred P. Sloan Foundation) 2007
- Frontiers of Science Symposium Invitee (National Academy of Science (NAS) and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) 2007
- PECASE (NSF) 2007
- Watson Career Award, National Science Foundation 2006

Uli B. Wiesner
Spencer T. Olin Professor of Engineering
- NFS Creativity Award (2020 and 2008)
- “Ambassadeur pour la Chimie Française” by the Institute of Chemistry, CNRS, France (2019)
- Arthur K. Doolittle Award (ACS) (2016)
- Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Tucker Excellence in Teaching Award from Cornell University (2005)
- IBM Faculty Partnership Award (2001)
- Carl Duisberg Memorial Award of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) (1999)

Huili Grace Xing
William L. Quackenbush Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Intel Outstanding Researcher Awards 2020
- APS Fellow 2019
- Richard E. Lunquist Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow (Cornell University) 2015
- Young Scientist Award (International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS)) 2014
- Featured Notre Dame Faculty at UND-BYU football game 2012
- Young Investigator Program Award (Air Force Office of Scientific Research) 2008
- IEEE Senior Member